Thursday 21 July 2016

Strengths....Just Strengths

We all struggle from time to time with our confidence, some people find it harder than others and I have to say I find it hard sometimes. But I have decided to start this blog to not change but see the positive in my life, not the negative.

We took part in a team building day today, and I loved it! We started the day with a collage of picture's about where we want to be in a year, what would make us happy and how we would like to progress, my collage can be seen below:

The second thing we had to do was a strength scope workshop, before the workshop we had all filled out a questionnaire and today we got the results.

My 7 significant skills were:

- Compassion
- Creativity
- Detail orientation
- Developing others
- Enthusiasm
- Leading
- & Self-improvement.

As a group we took our strengths and talked about them through various tasks. Seeing positive thinking as the way to a healthy life.

I have so much to be grateful for, and confident about, today has been an important part of my journey.


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